Avianne Thodis

Oddities/Trinket Merchant || Adventure's Guild Contact || Magic Artificer || Alchemist
"All things considered, sitting in the early morning sun of a forest with a steaming cup of tea in my hands is the third most peaceful thing I know."

Memories: AI-Generated

Aetheric Infusion: AI-Generated

As you scan the markets of Gridania a cascade of lustrous black hair and brilliant green eyes peering at you from a bench catches your eye. At first glance, the elezen woman appears like many others there that day in the bustle of the city. A simple but elegant pale blue and white dress compliments the faint tan on her exposed skin and a cream belfry hat decorated with blue silk and pinned with yellow and white flowers rests beside her. Around her waist is a set of sturdy-looking leather pouches with delicate floral embossing and polished buckles. You see no obvious weapons about her person and she seems at peace.
Her expression seems to be one of carefully calculated passive-observation, which comes across as a bit sad or intense though her countenance looks open and approachable.
Catching your eye she quickly looks down to a book in her lap, but you see the shadow of a smile on her lips. A flush at the tips of her pointed ears and about her cheeks highlighting the faint freckles splashed across her nose. She knows she was caught staring.
Discover more in RP!


The Bluebell Shop: AI-Generated

Known Oddities Merchant
If you're looking for something unique, aetheric, or mundane, The Bluebell Shop may have something you're looking for; from trinkets and gifts to charms and aetheric binding services. Other merchants or crafters may also recognize her from past dealings.See Story Tools for details on the Bluebell Shop.

To the Markets: AI-Generated

Black Chocobo
Whenever Avianne travels she is accompanied by a rather large black chocobo. This bird has fine, thick feathers, a lustrous beak and talons, and a sparkling gaze that can just as easily convey deadly intent as they can gentle curiosity.
To a trained eye it seems an odd breed of chocobo for a Gridania native.

The Contract: AI-Generated

Adventure's Guild Contact
Thodis is a common name among the Adventure's Guilds in all major cities across Aldenard and Vylbrand.See Story Tools for for open contracts.

Whispered Tasks: AI-Generated

Additional Contracts
From time to time the name Thodis is circulated among mercenary and bounty hunter circles for jobs that require discretion.See Story Tools for open contracts.

Alchemist: AI-Generated

Natural and Discrete Healer
Though her Aetheric Blanace isn't fitting for magical healing she is skilled in more natural remedies that utilize the ather and natural properties in plants, common sense, and care.She's also known by some to be exceptionally discrete when dealing with injuries of.... questionable origin.

Missing Person: AI-Generated

Missing Person
(Let's Talk)
Your Character might have seen a missing person flyer posted in Ishguard that had an uncannily close sketch of her face. Details include height, build, expected age and rewards for live delivery to House Vorard of Ishguard.If so you can find additional details in Story Tools.

Additional Story Links

Extended RP Profile
My Extended Profile is used to help me create my characters, keep track of their histories/relationships, and keep a record of past events/interactions. It's live for those looking for more but not required reading. Use it to create hooks for our interactions or read it as you like.
Ongoing Story Updates
Want to see what Avianne's been up to? Check out the Ongoing Story Updates to see new story inclusions and interactions! If you're a player and we've RPed a decent bit you will see your contribution to her story here as well.
Story Tools
Did my character send you a letter? Did she contract you to hunt down a nasty bit of living filth? Did we find a special artifact with cool abilities? Story Tools is where that stuff is stored!
Custom NPC Index
Looking to hit Avianne where it hurts? Maybe get in touch with some known enemies? Or use an existing character to get in contact with her for more good-willed intentions? Take a look at the NPCs established for her story and have fun coming up with ideas!

Rules of Thumb

Spoilers- I'm not finished with the Game. Don't be an ass and spoil anything.Lore Abiding- We're all here because we like the setting. There are plenty of fantasy elements that we don't need to be adding things in unnecessarily or RPing as some crazy powerful or named character.Communication- Respect me and I will respect you. I expect clear and open communication OOC regarding any issues we may have in RP or as people.Forever DM- I have run campaigns for 10 years, written fiction in my spare time for 15 years, and love significant character development. I'm happy to organize something or push your character in a specific direction!Story Consequences- Realism within a setting is important to me. RP is an interactive and shared exercise in story creation. As characters interact with the world they should be changing. Opinions should shift over time, world views should alter, and mental, physical, and emotional stress should take a toll.21+- I'm an adult and prefer mature RPers who can handle the nuance of mature storylines that may not have black-and-white answers, sensitive or complex themes, and adult content such as drugs, violence, and spicy romance.All Stories- All literary and story-telling themes are welcome and encouraged. From slife-of-life to combat, horror to romance. Any character interaction is usually good and I accept most things regarding an RP scene.Your Character- I usually will prioritize your character's themes and ideas to give you the spotlight. I love merchant, crafter, and bounty hunter RP. Become the Quest-Giver you always wanted to be! If you don't I'll be your quest-giver!

RP LikesRP Dislikes
All forms of relationship-buildingInstant Anything
Open World RPInconsistent Characters
Non-Aether TravelConstant Retcons of RP
Complex Arcs/StoriesNever Leaving a City Hub
Long Term StoriesBringing RL drama into RP
Attention to DetailMeta-RPers and Godmodding

About Me

30+, female. I have a Neurological Disease meaning I may not be able to type as fast or as accurately as some other RPers out there. Patience is appreciated.Discord and Mare are given out on an individual basisAvailability
Most weekends from 5:00am to 10:00pm MT and weekdays from 6:30pm to 10:00pm MT